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PREAJPRIDE International is more than an organization; it's a movement inspired by a commitment to social reintegration, rehabilitation, and empowerment for former inmates. Today, our reach extends far beyond our headquarters in Bungoma, Kenya as we continue to transform lives across Africa.

Our Mission

At PREAJPRIDE International, our mission is about more than just economic progression. Guided by Christian values, we remain committed to positively transforming societal norms around entrepreneurship and money management. At the heart of our programs are strategies designed to tackle existing challenges and stimulate national development, even during hard economic times.

"Empower, Educate, and Enhance - Weaving the threads of Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship to build Resilient Communities and the Nation of Kenya."

Key Services


Agricultural Growth Enhancement

By leveraging the private sector, we aim to spark agricultural growth and further solidify its role in the Kenyan economy. Using a comprehensive approach, we address existing challenges and provide support to smallholder farmers, aiding them to scale their businesses and produce higher-quality goods.

Entrepreneurial and Money Management Training

Our signature PRIDE BUSINESS course offers comprehensive instruction to arm participants with entrepreneurial skills, financial literacy insights, and Christian values to shape a resilient society.

Reintegration Support for Former Incarcerates

In partnership with church organizations, we run the P.R.I.D.E. Entrepreneurship training program. The goal of this initiative is to foster an environment of second chances and encourage former prison inmates to avoid homelessness, build productive lives, and make a positive contribution to society.

Our Story

From our inception 2 ½ years ago to our expansion across Africa, PREAJPRIDE International's journey has been graced with significant success. Inspired by a conversation with a church organization named PREAJ, we set out to address the ignored plight of released prisoners. Amazingly, what started with a single training program has sprawled into five distinct centers, all impacting numerous lives each week across Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.


Agricultural & Commercial Development

Successfully closed on purchases for two plots of land, one for agricultural purposes and another for establishing a bustling outdoor mini-market

Establishing a Micro-Loan Organization

Spearheaded and instituted a micro-loan organization to bolster financial access and success for our participants

Official Recognition from Kenyan Authorities

Achieved a distinctive seal of approval from Kenyan official bodies, acknowledging the impactful work done by our organization

 Approval for In-Prison Training Programs

Secured special government authorization to execute our training programs within Kenyan penal institutions

Network of Local Leaders

Cultivated and nurtured a network of local leaders, who are proficiently facilitating the P.R.I.D.E. program

Expansion of P.R.I.D.E. Entrepreneurship Program

Notable growth - from 0 to 300-500 participants weekly, in our P.R.I.D.E. Entrepreneurship program across Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe

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